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*** Please make sure to schedule this class before purchasing it.



An 8-hour private Reiki class in the Japanese lineage "Usui Reiki Ryoho". 


About the class:

Reiki is a spiritual healing method that promotes balance, wellbeing, and personal growth. Developed in Japan in the 1920s by Usui Mikao, Reiki is now practiced around the world in many different forms. Its original name “shinshin kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho” translates to “Usui Healing Method for improving body and mind”.


This class is a 2-week (2 x 4 hours) training in the traditional Japanese practice of Reiki. 


In this class, you will learn the practice of Reiki for yourself and others. This training has a strong focus on self-care which will enable you to create the foundation of a solid personal practice that supports you in your life. It is suitable for beginners as well as more advanced practitioners interested in the traditional Japanese way of Reiki. All are welcome. There is no prerequisite.



-Learn to relax, meditate, and cultivate balances, wellbeing, and compassion in life

-Live with greater ease, clarity, joy, and equanimity

-Empower yourself and others

-Establish a personal practice to support wellbeing for oneself and others

-Learn to respond rather than react to stress, anger, and worry

-Connect deeply with the essence of what we are as human beings and what it means to live fully



-Reiki history, its origins, and evolution

-What is Reiki and how to practice it

-The 5 foundational elements of the system of Reiki

-How the Japanese energetic system works

-Breathing meditations to strengthen and clear your energy

-How to perform hands-on healing for ourselves and others

-The 5 Reiki precepts as life-guiding principles to live life in balance and harmony

-Receive Reiju or spiritual blessings



- 8-hour interactive training in the traditional Japanese art of Reiki, the “Usui Reiki Ryoho”

- Tools and practices that will remain available to you throughout your lifetime

- Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, reflections and practice time

- Home practice assignments will be offered and encouraged

- Manual and certificate of completion

- Official training that follows the International House of Reiki standards of practice

- Class led by an experienced Reiki teacher, trained in the US and Japan, and well-rounded professional practitioner, direct student of world-renowned teacher Frans Stiene

- Ongoing teacher support and access to the International House of Reiki/Ki Campus/Community



- Commitment to practice is key

- Be curious, questions and uncertainties are welcome

- Attending the 2 parts (10 hours) is required to receive a certificate of completion

- Recommended reading: "The Japanese Art of Reiki" by Frans Stiene and Bronwen -Logan (Stiene)

- Makeups may be scheduled at the discretion of the teacher

- Be respectful and compassionate to yourself and others. be on time



The Japanese Art of Reiki by Bornwen and Frans Stiene

Living the Japanese Arts & Ways, Davey, H.E.

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind, Suzuki Shunryu.

Your Reiki Treatment by Bornwen and Frans Stiene

The Reiki Sourcebook by Bornwen and Frans Stiene

Reiki Meditaitons for Self-Healing by Bronwen Stiene


For any questions about the training, please contact the Reiki instructor, Veronique Frede at and visit her website

1:1 Reiki I Shoden Class

  • By registering, I understand that Reiki is a healing practice that facilitates the person’s own healing response. Reiki is based on the idea that there is a universal (or source) energy that supports the body’s innate healing abilities. I understand that Reiki practitioners do not diagnose conditions, nor do they prescribe or perform medical treatment, counselling, prescribe substances, nor interfere with the treatment of a licensed medical professional. I understand that Reiki does not take the place of medical care. It is recommended that I see a licensed physician or licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment I may have. I understand that Reiki can complement any medical or psychological care I may be receiving. I acknowledge that long term imbalances in the body sometimes require multiple sessions with a Reiki practitioner as well as regular self-practice to facilitate the level of relaxation needed by the body to heal itself.

  • We understand life if full of changes that an affect our schedules. To be fair and respectful to everyone's time, we ask our clients for at least a 24 hours’ notice to cancel or reschedule their session. There will be a 50% refund for appointments cancel with less than 24 hours’ notice and no refund for no-show. We thank you for your understanding. 

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